What do I need to arrange in an Employment Contract?

Important elements of an employment contract are:

  • General information: including the job description.
  • Remuneration: all employees are entitled to a statutory minimum wage and minimum holiday allowance.
  • Vacation days: all employees are entitled to the statutory vacation days, which is four times their weekly working days.
  • Duration: an employment contract can be entered into for a definite period (fixed-term) or for an indefinite period.
  • Non-competition clause: a non-compete clause in an employment contract for a definite period is not valid, unless adequate grounds for the substantial business interests requiring a non-compete clause are given in the clause.
  • Confidentiality clause.
  • Probationary period: a probationary period should be agreed upon in writing and should be equal for both the employer and the employee. The maximum duration of the probationary period depends on the duration of the employment contract.
  • Notice period: the statutory notice period for the employee is one month. The statutory notice period for the employer is related to the length of the employment and varies from one month (employment shorter than five years) up to four months (employment over 15 years).

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