Points of interest for hiring employees

As the economy is picking up, companies can invest in growth. This means there is scope for hiring new personnel. What do you, as an employer in the Netherlands, have to keep in mind when hiring new staff members?

Condition on recommencing employment

In case you have dismissed employers in the last 26 weeks due to business economic reasons, you will have to take into account the condition on recommencing employment when hiring personnel. Otherwise you will risk hiring employees for functions dismissed employees are entitled to.

Advertising a job without discrimination

If the condition on recommencing does not pose an obstacle, you can continue to search new staff members. However, make sure when writing a job ad that you cannot include in the ad whatever you think. For instance, an age limit or a preference for gender of the applicant shall be deemed to be discrimination; exemptions apply to exceptional cases only.

Screening of applicants

Before inviting applicants for an interview, you will probably search the Internet or social media for names.  Such a screening may violate the applicants’ right to privacy and is therefore not allowed just like that.

This is not the case if they have given unambiguous consent for the screening. You can ask for this consent, for instance, by requesting to tick a box on your website or by mentioning in your job ad that Internet research will be part of the application procedure and will require the consent of the applicant. However, a screening of a profile on the professional network LinkedIn will probably be more acceptable than checking a private Facebook account.

The employment contract

Once you have found the perfect candidate, it is crucial that a clear employment contract in writing will be agreed upon at the time of appointment. In addition to the practical provisions that are mostly included in employment contract, it is recommended to also take into account specific circumstances that may occur. As an example, it can be useful to agree upon social media use and the application of staff regulations.

What can we do?

We will gladly advise you about what else you have to keep in mind when it comes to the recruitment and selection of personnel and we can assist you during the entire application procedure. In addition, we will gladly draw up a contract of employment that does not just contain all standard provisions but also covers special cases and risks. Please contact us.